Plumas-Eureka State Park Association

PESPA was established in 1977 to support the interpretive and educational programs at Plumas-Eureka State Park.

PESPA currently has more than 300 members from throughout the United States. Our mission is to support educational programs, interpretive services, and maintenance projects within the park, ensuring that future generations can enjoy and learn from this unique cultural and natural resource.

The focal point of the park is the museum building and historic area surrounding it. Originally constructed as the miner’s bunkhouse, the building now serves as a visitor center. Inside, displays depict the natural and cultural history of the park. Outside and across the street from the museum is the historic mining area, where the Mohawk Stamp Mill, Bushman 5-stampmill, Stable, Woodshop, Assay Office, Moriarty House (historic miner’s residence) and the Blacksmith Shop depict life in gold rush-era California.